Friday 4 April 2014

Chapter 1: The Coming Storm

"For mods sakes, will they ever stop bickering, or at least invite me next time." was the first thing that came to my mind.

Another debate had started up in the Great Forum at The Shrine of Gaia, our patron deity. I had no idea what was being debated or who was taking part but, it was the duty of the various leaders to gather and at least watch the debates. This had been Pie's duty up until about a week before, in the clash with the brotherhood. There had been a massive battle with the brotherhood and their private army of pigmen, and the grand Gaian army, with support from The Companions guild; the tribesmen of La Selva; The Valhallans; and that warrior tribe. "What was their name again? Arcation? Must keep them in mind, they fought like true warriors..."

I grabbed my sceptre, pulled back my crimson hood and checked that my cotton shirt had nothing on it. I did however notice that there was a piece of liquorice stuck to my auburn beard. Upon seeing this I tugged. It wouldn't budge.

The door opened as I finally managed to get it free, along with a large lump of hair. At this I let out an unearthly scream just as young Linx walked into the room. I turned - not having heard the door open, or seen Linx enter due to my bad eye - to see a very startled looking young man in ceremonial Gaian military dress staring at me. Embarrassed, I tossed the hairy piece of liquorice aside and said "Yes?" as casually as I could.

At this he pulled himself together, adjusted his green beret and said "Your entourage is waiting for you in the courtyard my king."

"Ah yes, of course!" I said quickly, "Shall we?"

And with that we set off to the courtyard. Waiting there was the present council and a few high-ranking Gaians. Among them were: Astro Joe of knowledge district with the aspiring young mage Bokane; Secret Lol of logging; Aaron, new CEO of the Gaian manufacturing industry; Mini Munch (my replacement to run the Mining District), with his assistant, Mateo; Small Doughnut of Farming District; and Antony Mo and Cossack of Commerce District.

"What happened to your beard?" Came the weary, but amused voice of my most trusted counsel, Astro. "Liquorice again?"

"You guessed it." I replied disinterestedly. Then it dawned on me, "What's wrong with it?!"

"Nothing." Came the playful voice of Secret as he ran a long finger along the edge of his chipped axe, "That is, if you call having a golf ball sized hole in your beard nothing."

"Really?" I said in shock, looking at my reflection in my sceptre. "Bugger! Ah well, no time to fret. Open up the portal and let’s go."

"Of course sire" came Astro's worn out voice. He had been like this since the battle, when Tassadar had fallen in combat with the brotherhood. He seemed to have all but lost his fight. "He needs a rest" I thought, "I must talk to him about it after the debate."

Five minutes later we were standing at the foot of the shrine, the debate raging on. Dominus, emperor of the Realm of the Seven kingdoms and the Brotherhood (otherwise known as the Brotherhood of the Try Hard Pants, the THP Brotherhood, or simply The Brotherhood) were arguing again. At first I thought it was just another territory feud, or them bickering about who started the "Great War" between the two groups, or Dominus declaring his outrage at the Brotherhood for them raiding some trading caravan headed for the Realm. That it was at first glance. In fact I was about to give my entourage the order to return to The Kingdom, perhaps even leave myself. However, then it happened.

"I will not stand for you or your excuses anymore Void! Either relinquish their control of Blue land, or you will regret it!" Came the outraged voice of Dominus. A large circle had formed around the stairs leading to void's house. At the centre was Ubi, lying on his back unconscious, with Tauto, Jolly, and Komplex nursing his bleeding nose, and Dominus throwing stones at Void's house. Around the edge were the various kings of R7K and Dom's wife, Ellen. Some looked positively triumphant, while others looked most worried indeed.

I looked around for someone I knew. There he was, Vacar, one of Arcation's finest fighters. He would know what was going on. "Any chance you could fill me in old friend?"

"Well, it started out as a simple argument about The Brotherhood's new garrison in Blue Territory. Then Emperor Wise-Ass over here started ranting about how "unfair" the system was and how "Void should step down for a real leader". He then began to throw stones at Void's house. When Turtle boy tried to negotiate," He gestured to the still unconscious Ubi, whose turtle mask was severely cracked. "He punched him in the face and knocked him unconscious. It was quite entertaining actually..."

"I'm sure it was." I responded, laughing uneasily. "So is it like that Zerg guy?"

Zerg was an old moderator who supposedly went crazy and was exiled by Void and or Qustom. He had gone centuries before I arrived and folks didn't like to talk about him. This was a slightly selfish method of satisfying my curiosity.

"I guess so," He began, quite clearly distracted. "Thankfully Dominus hasn't gathered an army and attempted to take over the server. Or, at least the attempting to take over part."

Then one of Dominus's stones smashed a stain glass window with a deafening crash. There was a gasp from the crowd. Dominus meant business. The door suddenly swung open. Out strolled Void, who simply pointed at the shattered glass with his diamond tipped staff and caused it to reform in an even more beautiful pattern. "Yes?" Came the deep, gravelly, yet calm and somewhat amused voice of Void.

"You wanted me Dominus?" He reiterated, drawing back his hood to reveal warm brown eyes and a greying beard. (Much like Jeremy Irons)

Dominus, who was looking quite surprised at Void's sudden appearance and serene attitude pulled himself together and yelled. "RELEASE THEIR CONTROL OF BLUE LAND NOW OR YOU HAVE THE REALM TO DEAL WITH! They go against the treaty by taking hold of this land. Surely YOU of all people can understand my outrage?"

"Why, I most certainly do Dominus. However," He walked down the steps and placed his arm around Dominus' shoulder in a friendly way. "You lack a crucial piece of information."

"And what would that be?" snarled Dominus, lifting away Void's arm.

"That only their new blue members are living there. If they use it as a bastion for attacks they're doing it completely within the law. Besides, I'm sure you're at not risk. When was the last time the Brotherhood actually posed a direct threat to you?" Void pleaded with Dom.

"Excuses! Always the excuses. If you won't make changes, we'll have to ourselves..." said Dominus with an air of malice.

"Now Dominus," Began void, but he never finished the sentence; for Dominus had pulled a small axe from beneath his cloak and swung it at void's neck.

I watched in awe as Void simply batted it aside. Dominus, flustered, pulled a second concealed axe out and gaped in horror as it shattered against void's forearm. Their eyes met for a few brief seconds, and I could swear I saw Void cock an eyebrow and mouth "­ please."

Dominus then extended his hidden blade from beneath his sleeve and lunged at Void once more. Void simply held up his hand in a 'stop' gesture and Dominus' simply froze up. Try as he might he couldn't move a muscle. Then Void simply closed his hand into a fist and the blade shattered into thousands of jagged shards; toppling to the floor. Void then simply poked his staff in Dominus' direction and he went flying into the crowd.

"NOW!" Dominus yelled.

Then all hell broke loose. The Valhallans and most of Williamsburg drew swords, as did roughly half of the R7K kings. Out of the crowd came a contingent of R7K warriors; not particularly good or well-equipped fighters, but still numerous enough to pose a real threat. From thin air the moderators appeared around the now panting Void (time was evidently taking its toll; first Astro, now Void), and began to blast back the attackers with their staffs. Then came the rallying cry of "Defend Void!" and all who were able burst into action.

"Are THP the only ones who obeyed the "no weapons" policy?" came the cry of Komplex as he punched out a Valhallan.

"Nope!" Shouted Ray Tunes, mayor of Williamsburg as he was blasted in Komplex's general direction by Epsilon. It probably wasn't wise for him to take part in the coup when he only had an incredibly hard baguette for a weapon.

"Don't worry Komp!" I shouted, grappling with Cabbage, a general of Valhalla. "All of the Gaians other than Secret followed the policy too."

"You mad?" Called Secret mockingly from his perch in the shrine tree as he dispatched yet another warrior of the Realm with his bow.

I rolled my eyes and swept Cabbage's legs out from beneath him.

Fifteen minutes later we'd managed to quell the rebellion with minimal casualties. The surviving rebels had their weapons piled at the foot of the shrine and were gathered in the centre of the Forum. Before them stood Rage Peanut, Void's man for weeding out traitors, criminals and ass-hats. The man had purged the starter zone of crime three times over and was still standing. A true hero of the server; however harsh he could get, or pretend to be when defending Void.

"Where is Dominus?" Came the angry demand from Rage Peanut. "I know you're still here. It's my job to find you for trial. Step forward or I could get nasty."

He waited a few seconds. Nothing.

"Well then," He said will mock pleasure, although I could swear the twisted look in his eye was real. "I guess I'll have to be more persuasive then."

At that a small, spring-loaded firearm sprung from his sleeve into his palm. The weapon in question was a weapon known as the "Baby Jesus Perk", pioneered by The Brotherhood during the Great War. I had never seen their usefulness in battle, even started questioning it, up until the Battle for the Nether Hub. They were truly lethal, inside battle, and outside.

He pressed it against the head of Knight Prodigy, Tassadar's brother. I saw Astro flinch. He and knight had never gotten on very well, but Prodigy was his last connection to her. At this I contemplated that there may have been more to their partnership then business, perhaps friendship. That was as far as my imagination could stretch and I was drawn back to the scene of the interrogation by Rage yelling "You have to the count of three to come out Dominus, then I kill him."

"One." A bead of sweat rolled down my temple. "Two." A tear flowed from Prodigy's eye. "Three-"

"Wait!" Came the voice of Void, who had just recovered from a coughing fit. "Just summon him!"

"Fine. If you want to do it the dull way..." Responded Rage, grumbling as he closed his eyes and pointed his staff into the crowd.

Two seconds later Dominus flew from the crowd into Void's outstretched hand.

"You are hereby exiled from the kingdom, on accounts of treason, disturbing the peace, and wasting Moderator time." Recited Ryan calmly and with as little emotion as possible.

"Exiled huh? So you want me to leave Void. Do you? Because I think that is the best idea you've ever had. I'm leaving, and so should everyone who feels the same way as me." Proclaimed Dominus angrily.

And then he and many others left, in the directions of the great gates. Surprisingly Ray Tunes and many Williamsburg citizens who were involved stayed behind. Although I was sure I saw he and Dominus exchange a meaningful look, and nod, as if in agreement. "Best keep an eye on Ray," I thought. "He's up to no good."

Before leaving the Forum boundaries Dominus yelled "You'll Rue the day you crossed me Void." And with a flutter of his obscenely long red cape he left.

At this point Astro mouthed "I'm sorry" to me and walked off. All I could say was, "Promise me you'll write!" And with a smile filled with guilt and nostalgia, he was gone in the crowd.

"Seal the gates after them." Void whispered to Epsilon. "And reopen the Omega Initiative. I fear this is only the start of a gathering storm."

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